Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Sweet Boys...Simple Pleasures

Not too bad outside today.  A little rain....a little sunshine.

Gary went to yoga and out to lunch.  After finishing chores I mulched the hay and mowed the front paddock.  The grass is filling in.
Alice arrived at 10 and the boys were hiding in the outdoor arena.  I whistled and they found us.
They did not come into the grooming room as they have been....took a few minutes.

My job (aside from talking a lot) is to do the their tails, pick their feet and put on hoof dressing.
Alice does everything else and once again they each got an hour of "massage" /grooming.

Around 10:30, a mutual friend stopped up.  LuAnne and Alice have been friends for decades, and she was one of my art students (tho I knew her long before then).  We caught up...that's for sure.

What a great way to spend the morning!

It rained after the boys were turned out and they rolled.  

Spent some time doing nothing with Little Wonder....
then I got up the energy to make dinner.  Pilaf, pork chops with onions and apples and that old fashioned carrot/walnut/jello salad.
The tulips are going nuts!

Got the boys tucked in (and cleaned them up).

Poor Buddy....he really wants to live in his old stall.

Of course this was the most beautiful part of the day again.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Your tulips have inspired me, today I bought peony tulip bulbs, at $2 each!!!~ But that is relatively cheap compared with specialist bulb retailers. Mud, there must be a huge attraction there, the same as when our cats, almost every one we have ever had, have preferred the water either in a bird bath or a goldfish pond.


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