Saturday, February 3, 2024


And that means sunshine....

We are having a hay delivery tomorrow morning and I put some old hay down in the front paddock so the truck cannot be on mud.  Fortunately it is supposed to freeze tonight so it should not be a problem.

You can't see them....but the boys found some grass in the back pasture.

For the heck of it I wanted to see if my lawn tractor in the indoor would start.  It did, so after picking the arena I dragged it.

We really enjoyed the sunshine today.

The strawberry plants looked amazing....
and a couple of herbs have survived.

Love that evening light.
Chores at 5.  Still gorgeous out there.

My stomach has been bugging me and I've had bland things like chicken soup, crackers or applesauce.  This afternoon I felt much better and was craving I made some sauce and invited Jenny up for dinner.

Night all.



  1. It looks like spring there. Here it is still something of a cross between looking like March and behaving like March...but it is February and that means we can still get nasty weather.
    Mud and snow slush in the afternoon and crunchy ground in the morning.

    Looks like a beautiful day there!

  2. I enjoy the photos of your home, it's so welcoming. We have sunshine this morning and continue with abnormally warm weather. That looks like a delicious dinner.


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