Sunday, February 4, 2024

A Hay Day

Sunshine again....and it lasted all day long!

After chores, Jenny came up and we headed over to the hay guy's farm to pick up a load of hay.  Our friend Jerry was already there with his truck and there was so much equipment in the barn the hay had to be thrown a long distance to get it to Jenny so she could give it to Jerry and he stacked it.  The next door neighbor did the throwing and his wife helped Jenny.  What a system!  51 bales were loaded in 18 minutes!  Strong women!!!!

We left home a little before 10 and were back at our farm and unloaded by 11!  At this end, Jenny had a friend of Cooper's join us.  Kaeden.

and FYI....Jerry is also 80 and still has a hay business!
Jenny and Kaeden went out to see the horses when they were finished.
Rebel and Buddy were loving the sun.
This afternoon Gary went in to Brockport for the Winter Serenades concert.  Today the Laura Dubin Trio was on tap.  A very unique jazz group that was very well received
I streamed the concert and took some videos.
We had a little nap time before chores....

....and I watered the plants.  We have some huge ones.

These Norfolk pines are over 30 years old.
Sid can't resist snoozing on the bed... especially when the sun is shining through the curtains.

This time I put the boys in at 5:30.  A month ago it was dark an hour earlier.

Little Wonder assisted minus his coat.
Leftovers for dinner.  Gary brought home a delicious loaf of bread made by Adam R. (who was at the concert).  So thoughtful.
Night all.



  1. Hay hay! Well done! Beautiful images. Aloha

  2. I am a poor houseplant steward, although I am trying harder. Nothing would live over 30 years here! I relieves the stress when you get the hay you need. 80 and still making hay, good for him!!

  3. Looks like the hay day went just perfect!

    I do miss .... just a tiny bit, small bales compared to the ones I have to deal with. They are 1,500 lb squares that I have to fork into a sled and deliver.
    That's okay! They stack easily with a skid steer!

    Beautiful light and photos.


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