Monday, January 15, 2024

YaHoooooo! Sunshine All Day

At 7:15 am it looked like this!
About 3 degrees for starters, but we reached a high of 20.

By 10am I had finished chores and the driveway was all shoveled.

Once again, the boys left their hay and went out to the small pasture.  They must have been enjoying the sun.
Meanwhile, Sidney and
Little Wonder were enjoying the warmth of the house.
Made a quick trip to Brockport....
and Little Wonder joined me.

Jenny picked me up at 3 and we drove out to my friend Sue's farm to help her with her three horses.  She fell a few days ago and messed up her knee.  This is her best pal....

We were only there for about half an hour....our good deed for the day and she sure appreciated the help.
Got home just in time for Jenny to water the horses and I put them in a couple minutes early....

as the Bills game was about to start.
This is how the stadium looked earlier today.  They hired many, many people for $20/ hour, food and drinks to bring their shovels so they could help get the snow off the aisles and seats.  Buffalo had gotten about 40 inches of snow.  Front loaders and dump trucks cleared the field, the aisles were shoveled, but the seats had a couple feet of snow on them.  How would you like to sit on snow for 4 hours?

Cooper went to the game with a friend and his family.  I hope he was warm enough.  FRIGID!

Just got these two photos of Coop at the game.
He has on the red goggles.

Anyway....the Bills beat the Steelers and next week they will play Kansas City.
Jenny had dropped off some pizza so I didn't have to make dinner....just a salad.
Night all.
At least four more very cold days coming up.



  1. I cannot imagine how passionate people are to brave that frigid weather to watch a game. Still scorching heat down here. Keep warm !!!

  2. Mark saw about half of that game and said during that time several players were injured on the field. I do not understand the draw of football, but people are passionate about it. Very nice to have pizza brought to you! You are a good friend.

  3. I can't recall the last time we watched football, but I appreciate the fans who love it.

    Looks like things are nice and cleaned up around there.

    What a great gesture to help a friend with her horses!


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