Sunday, January 14, 2024

We Got Hammered...

Not as bad as other places.  Started out with a very innocent sky.

Just a dusting of snow at that time.
Jenny arrived as I was going out to feed the horses and helped with shoveling and barn stuff.
By then it was snowing like crazy and was filling up the driveway as soon as it was shoveled.

Before Jenny left, we shoveled again....and again.

Around 11:15 I put the horses in.  They were standing with their butts to the wind in the pasture and it was awful out there...not to mention it was in the single digits.  It's a good thing the Bill's game was switched to tomorrow, as you would not have even been able to see the players in the stadium.  Hopefully, the snow won't be so bad....but it will be frigid.  Cooper is going and Jenny took home Gary's Carhartts for him to wear.  We also offered him Ariana's ski bibs.  He will be a fashion statement.

Around 4 I let the horses back out as it was not snowing and I needed to clean their stalls and set them up again.  Buddy rolled in the front paddock and Rebel rolled in the run-in by the feed room.  They were not able to get muddy, but still need a good grooming.  The farrier is coming on Tuesday.

For the last time today, we shoveled the biggest part of the driveway before coming in the house.

Dinner was a no brainer....a bowl of pasta and some celery sticks.
Night all.
As of this moment I have walked 12,575 steps.



  1. Phew, snow everywhere even in the stables. Keep safe and warm.

  2. Looks like winter has extended herself to include you!

    Enjoy the beauty of the snow!

  3. The horses were ready to come inside. I haven't shoveled snow in decades, but I have plowed it. Winter has arrived!


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