Tuesday, December 19, 2023

This is No Picnic

I feed the horses, clean stalls and blow my nose all day.  That's about it.

Little Wonder takes good care of me, but he must be very tired of my coughing!

Night all.



  1. It looks cold, wet, muddy and miserable, that sums it up for outside and some for you too. Is the the dreaded 100 day cough? I had it in 2001, and truly, it lived up to it's name . then suddenly it vanished.I always hope for better news. Tomorrow that might be the day, I hope.

  2. Uffdah as we say. Hope you start to pick up and feel better soon. It must be the Holiday Ickies???

  3. Unfortunately, many people I know are going through the same thing. Now, I think Gary has it.

  4. Now Gary too? This is not good. I know LW is giving you his best care.

  5. Wishing you well. We have sniffles and coughs, too, and DS2 reports he has gone through two boxes of tissues in a week. God bless us one and all.

    No germ hugs!


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