Wednesday, December 20, 2023

A Very Special Present

We were pretty in pink this morning but it disappeared and then it was grey for the rest of the day.  The snow melted.

Gary finally gave in to the "cold" and was not a happy camper this morning.  After chores he went back to bed until 2pm.  In the meantime, Little Wonder continued trying to heal me.  Last night I slept well and I hardly used any Kleenex today.  It must be the musinex. I did laundry, changed the sheets,  vaccumed the bedroom and make egg salad for lunch.  Believe me....that's an improvement.  Also had some phone time with Hanny and Judy, who were checking up on me.  Good friends!💜

Tonight I did not close Buddy's gate fast enough and he decided to go for a stroll while I got the grain ready.

All tucked in and making the sound that I love.
When I got back to the house, there was a box on the porch.  Our friend, Randy (another Swede) had ordered us a ton of baked goods from Ecklof Bakery,  Whenever we are in Jamestown we stop in for some of these special treats.  What a gift!!!

Before that, Jenny stopped up with soup.  Yay!
Still taking it easy.
Night all.



  1. You have good people in your life. Glad to here yesterday was better for you but sorry for Gary. I love the munch munch too.


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