Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Out To Lunch and More

More cool weather with plenty of sunshine.

So far the ponies are surviving without their masks.

After chores I drove to Brockport for an appointment with the massage therapist....wearing one of my barn ensembles.  Usually my appointments are much later.
While I was gone, Gary continued to dismantle the fence sections we took down from the front paddock many weeks ago.
The sunflowers are doing just what I expected....started falling over today.

At 11:30 we drove into Rochester for an unusual assignment.
A couple of months ago we participated in a photo shoot for the County Executive that is being distributed/advertised and today we were asked to participate in a video shoot that is going to be on tv.  Nate, the still photographer, was at the last shoot too.
Here's an old photo of Adam.

We met at the Liberty Family Restaurant and had lunch there prior to the shoot.
Of course I did not remember to take more photos.
Home before 2:30 and took it easy with my little buddy.

The roses on the kitchen table were pooping out so I grabbed the three Lillies and created a new bouquet.  They are stunning!!!

Nothing special for dinner.  When we go out to lunch I do not feel like cooking.
Chores at 7:30 as it is much darker if I wait until 8.  AND I am very interested in checking out the debate tonight.  You know where I stand, but it is important for me to be informed and I'm hoping that some of the candidates have the guts to separate from their idol.  How long is it going to take for us to have some peace in this country?

Night all.



  1. Wow those Lily's are stunning and you had another run about day! I stayed home and watched the thermometer.

  2. I did what Val did. You are a tv star!! I couldn't watch the debate if I wanted to. We don't have cable, therefore no Fox network. I'm sure it was a clown show.


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