Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Another Spa Day For Rebel and Buddy

Such a beautiful day.  We are so lucky compared to my friends, Sandra, Val and Sara....who have had steamy weather and not enough rain.  We were in the low 70s most of the time.

Janet could not make it to our spa day, but as soon as Alice walked into the front paddock Buddy came out of the run-in to greet her.  Then Rebel came out and they both followed us over to the grooming room.  I can't believe that they do this and go into their stalls on their own.  They get it!  Spa Days are the best.
Alice has gotten more and more comfortable with both horses and the only thing I do is pick their feet and put on dressing.  She gives them a good grooming from top to bottom and of course they also get cookies and carrots.
Buddy's tail is hanging on the floor and I had to cut off a couple inches.

Rebel waited patiently until Alice was ready to put on his halter and put him in the cross ties.

Then it was Buddy's turn to hang out.

I love this photo!!!

I can't tell you what a pleasure this is.  We listen to 90.1 on the radio....a jazz station that always plays mellow songs during our hour of spa time.  So relaxing for the four of us today.

We had our practice this afternoon instead of tomorrow.  Nancy and Tom are performing in a program Wednesday evening that presents music from Broadway so we thought we would make their day less complicated.  They gave us a preview of the song they are singing and we love it!!!!  Hopefully it will hold a spot on our playlists.  I had never heard it before and think it's going to be fantastic.

We left the door to the Studio open, and Little Wonder chose to stay with us.

Mixed in with the roses on our kitchen table, are a few gigantic lilies.  This one popped open today.
Pizza for dinner.
I also made some biscuits so I could use them for peach shortcake.

So good.
Chores at 8.

Night all.


  1. I like how your horses enjoy their spa day and participate eagerly, treats too of course.

  2. Equine sure do love their grooming time. I know Sunshine and her sister come any time they see me. The others take a bit.

    Your meals are awesome.

  3. We are in heat/humidity hell. I envy your weather. The song is great, I don't think I've heard it before, either. Spa day is enjoyable for all. LW looks very chill on the floor!


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