Friday, July 28, 2023

The Skoog Farm Air Strip

We did not officially hit 90 today but it felt like 95 and the humidity was awful.

Before I went out to do chores, Robbie and 6 other guys were here to finish the driveway.  At that point the temperature was decent and they were in the shade part of the time.

First they made sure everything was level....

and after that they put down the asphalt in short order.  They have quite a system and everything was so coordinated.

I could not have been more impressed with the effort they made to get things just right and by 11am they were finished.  Fortunately Sidney and Seymour were not anywhere near it and I made sure Little Wonder was only on the grass.  Did not want any feet to get burned.  It's supposed to rain tonight and that is a good thing.  We won't drive on it until Tuesday morning.  Fortunately the driveway to the house in the back 40 (used to be a lane on the South side of our property) can be used to get in and out....with parking on the lawn.
We spent most of the day inside.  Late morning I made sloppy Joes and that went into a crockpot.  Also made some vanilla pudding with bananas and walnuts for later.
The AQI (fortunately) was good today so we could run the window air conditioner and kept the kitchen nice and comfortable.

Our granddaughter Daniela was driving to Kansas City for the weekend and I must have talked to her for 45 minutes while she was on the way.  Jenny, Steph, Ariana and Daniela all like to have phone conversations when they are driving any distance.  Good company.
We are loaded with zucchini so I made zucchini parm and a tomato/cucumber/shallot/chives/feta salad.  The sloppy Joes....yum!

From this angle, does this look like a landing strip or what?
Once the grass grows up to the edge, it will look a lot better.  The gardens are much more defined and we can now mulch them right up to the driveway.
I put the fan on for the ponies this morning and tonight they were very happy to get in their stalls.  When it rains, things should cool off and the next four days will be in the mid 70s.  That will get my motor runnin'.

Night all.



  1. We have a concrete driveway, not as long as yours, but after metal driveways, it's a dream to drive on and hose clean.And I can walk to the mailbox in my slippers!!! Way better than gumboots, for sure. Airstrip? The bushes in the centre are a good stopping place for any incoming craft.!!!

  2. Nice looking driveway! There sure are times when I wish our driveway was like that!

    It looks sharp with the garden in the middle! Whoo!
    It was awful here yesterday and then the front came through. What a relief and we even had some much needed rain again.

  3. Your driveway looks good. The rain keeps missing us, it goes north and south. We get nothing. It's cooler today.


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