Monday, June 19, 2023

X-Ray and Ultrasound

Gorgeous weather today.

Rebel and Buddy were waiting for breakfast.

Both horses are finally going out on their own.

When I got back in the house I called Borg imaging to see when I could get in for an appointment and they had a cancellation this afternoon at 1:40.  That was fast!  I did more weed whacking, got ready and left by 12:30.  I was not there for over 45 minutes and will get more info from my Doctor.  On the way home I stopped for my appointment with the massage therapist.  I really needed it today....mentally and physically... as all this crap that has been happening to me has been driving me nuts.  Stopped at Country Max after that and picked up some shavings and grain.
Home about 4:30 and took it easy until breakfast for dinner.  Bacon and French toast.  Just what I wanted.
Evening chores at 8.

Company coming from Georgia tomorrow.  Have to finish getting the house in order.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. I hope the results of the test come through and give you an idea of where to go from here.

    Fingers crossed.


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