Thursday, May 25, 2023

Go Fish

A gorgeous, but very crispy day.

After chores Little Wonder and I went down to the bank and then to Country Max for some shavings.  It was his lucky day.  The bank gave him the biggest dog biscuit you can buy, and Country Max gave him two small biscuits.  He hit the jackpot.

Back home to finish up some laundry and sheet changing... then eventually took a shower and got ready to go to the library for bridge.
My partner and I tied for first place, then I was off to an appointment with the chiropractor.

Home a little after five and started on dinner,

I used what I had in the house.  Deconstructed white hots on pumpernickel bread with spicy mustard, sauerkraut and melted Swiss cheese.  Baked beans and chips.

The ponies were ready to get tucked in.
While I was gone, Gary worked on the gardens in front of the indoor.  They look so much better.
Tomorrow he is getting 6 yards of mulch delivered so we can spruce up some of the flower gardens.  Especially in front of the house where the cedar trees were cut down.  It's a mess out there.

Night all.


1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of mulch! I just finished with some mulching here too around the house. I didn't add any around the hostas as they grow so large as to go right out to the yard! Looks great!

    Your yard and garden are amazing.


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