Thursday, May 11, 2023

80 Degrees

I really appreciate the gorgeous weather we have had for the past several days.

After chores I started mowing the lawn (again) and a little after 9 Pris M. stopped up for some rhubarb.  We have given a lot away this past week.  Need some?

The Lilac Festival is starting in Rochester this weekend and our lilac tree is blooming right on time.
Our friends, Al and Brenda, gifted this to us several years ago and it's getting pretty tall.
It took me quite awhile to mow the lawn.  We need new blades on the lawn tractor and I had to go over some of the high spots.
Gary's raised beds are looking terrific.

At one I was at the library for bridge....subbing for a friend who could not make it. 
Afterward I checked out the 8 fruit trees that were planted there last week.   Our band bought them.  All  money donated to us pays for other plantings like this.  That's why we have a tree on our logo.

Took it easy when I got back to the farm.
Evening chores before dinner tonight.

 I am giving Rebel and Buddy the opportunity to stay outside in the front paddock all night.  Hopefully they will sleep in the indoor.
They don't get it and are not even touching the hay I set up for them.  When Rebel was at Forrestal Horse Camp he was outside all the time and Buddy also was outside 24/7 during the warm weather at his Mom's farm.  I guess they have been spoiled in their studio apartments.

Gary worked much of the day in the gardens....there is so much to do.
Dinner was easy.  I made a salad with romaine, bananas, tangerines, walnuts and leftover pineapple.

The gravy was already made.  Just had to mash some potatoes.

Jenny and Scott just arrived.  Got to go.
Night all.

They were here so she could do a little mowing that Gary should not do.
He showed them how to use his battery powered mower.

Leaving the ponies out was a bust.  They left the hay alone (that was in the front paddock) and waited by the gate to their stalls.  So, I knuckled under and put them in a little after 8.

Once again, Jenny went home with tulips.



  1. Busy day!
    Funny quine!

    We've been so busy here I haven't even been in the house much to open my laptop.

    Your yard looks great.

  2. Gary is a master with a garden. We've had there nights of just enough rain to do much outside. I thought I could mow this afternoon and then at noon it rained. It's looking shaggy around here. You have got a couple of barn babies.


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