Thursday, September 22, 2022

Fall Has Arrived....

It was barely 60 degrees today and the temperature is dropping.....some rain too.

I started mowing the lawn after chores but had to stop because of the rain and at 1 I was down at the library for an afternoon of bridge.

Home by 4 and had just enough time to finish mowing before chores and more rain.

Gary took out an old window that was in the grooming room and built a new frame for it today.
I will put plexiglass in it for the winter.  So much nicer!
The ponies were running around when I went out for evening chores.

We had a very brief major shower.

Leftovers for dinner.
Night all.



  1. Those ponies are sensible and trot in under shelter from the rain. You did manage so well to get some grass cut. And getting colder, still coolish down here.

  2. We are having that weather right now, 53 and rain. I am happy. It's really good to have an overhang like you do for shelter.


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