Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Return of the Arts Festival

We are on such a beautiful weather roll.  I'm really liking the table out on the porch... so inviting this morning before chores.

Our little herd seems to be doing well.  All three are very independent.

I dropped Gary off in Brockport at 10 as he was volunteering at the hospitality tent (Arts Festival) and
when I got back to the farm, did some weed whacking.  
This was Ronin's first day back to work....ground work for now.

Janet is very patient with him and he was very relaxed.

At 2 I went to pick Gary up....fortunately I was able to find a good parking place.  There were about 120 art vendors along with many opportunities for food, and Main Street was jammed.
We had a bite to eat...
and were very happy to run into our friend, Congressman Joe Morelle.  He always makes time for Brockport and knows us well.

The Road Less Traveled was providing the music while we were there.
Sarah, Russ and Bill play some great tunes..

Ready for a nap when we got home...but instead we started watching a Denzel Washington movie.  Had to pause it while I went out for evening chores.  Ronin was waiting at the gate.

Today there was a box delivered to our house from Florida!  I complimented my cousin's wife about the peach jam she was making and she sent us a jar!  How sweet is that?  We are going to fill that same box with garlic and send it back.
Poached eggs and toast for dinner, with a banana/juice smoothie.
Night all.

Ariana started her third year of teaching this past week.  The kids are going to love her!


1 comment:

  1. You have an active community. This looks like a very pleasant day, I would have enjoyed it. The boys have found their groove. Very sweet of her to send you the jam, she will be delighted to receive the garlic.


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