Friday, August 12, 2022


Perfect.  Could not ask for more comfortable weather.  This is the first day all the horses were together from morning chores until they were tucked in for the night.

Ronin found the apple tree....
and chased Seamus away.

At 10:45 I drove out to a deli on Route 18 to buy by a couple of subs for lunch.  On the way home I picked up Jana and Mike down at the Welcome Center.  We spent 3 entire hours on the back porch chowing and chatting our brains out!

Their dog Millie and Little Wonder get along well when they are together.
After lunch Jana and I went to check on the ponies to make sure they were being nice to each other.

They passed the test.

We sent them back to their boat with onions, garlic, squash, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and a bunch of flowers.  We always enjoy our time together.  So glad we met them in 2015 when they were cruising the Erie Canal.
I set up the grain for the horses a little before 5 as Jenny was going to put Seamus and Rebel in their stalls.  When I started taking photos, I don't know what I touched, but every time I took the shot it turned it into all kinds of styles....
like this one.  I did not ask for it....must have touched the wrong button.
We had a short break, then drove out to the beach to celebrate Carol and Topper's 60th anniversary, which was catered by the Dinosaur BBQ.

There must have been sat least 50 people there, and the beach was just great.

Saw all kinds of friends and especially loved seeing Kristen, Sara and their kids, who are so grown up now.

We both need a nap.
Night all.



  1. Lori and Gary thank you again for such a lovely relaxing day! Love you both!

  2. You had a fabulous day! You have a lot of good people in your life. Tell Ronan to be nice to Seamus and let him have some apples.


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