Thursday, August 25, 2022

My Very Long Day

Can't complain.  Be prepared as this is a very long post.  I squeezed in a lot!

First, chores.

Then I mowed the front paddock, the outdoor arena
and the small pasture.

Little Wonder helped me pick some strawberries (for my cereal this morning), yellow tomatoes and 1 more cucumber.
I played bridge at the library this afternoon and brought a basket of tomatoes to share.
On the way home I stopped at Wegmans as I needed five more pounds of carrots for the ponies.
At 5 I drove Gary down to the Welcome Center for the last concert in the Summer Serenades series.
Little Wonder went with me, as we were going to Sara's Garden and Nursery for a photoshoot.  She is going to post photos of dogs that have visited this summer.
No one was there as it was closing time and Cathy said I could let Little Wonder go off leash.

This place is paradise!

I got home just in time to do evening chores.

I made myself a tomato sandwich and took it with me to the Welcome Center.  Tonight we were entertained by The Rochester Metropolitan Jazz Orchestera.
Wow!  They were terrific and the audience loved them.

I sat on the balcony next to this sweet dog (Rosie) that was a rescue from Puerto Rico.

It was almost dark when the concert was over.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. That's dancing in your chair music! That garden center is like none I've seen. Absolutely gorgeous. Little Wonder and the ponies are happy as usual.


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