Sunday, July 3, 2022

The Brockport Farm Market

A gorgeous day.  Not too hot or humid.

Around 10 we went down to the Farm Market to buy a couple things....
and watch some friends who were providing the music (THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED).
Several of our busker/singing pals were there too.  We like to support each other's gigs.

Brenda and Al showed up!
When we got home, Jenny, Scott and Buster were in the yard.  What a nice surprise.  They came to help us clean out some weeds around the indoor.  Seeing that my surgery limited me, I was not able to keep up with the weed wacking.  After Friday, I should be able to get back to normal without so many restrictions.

When they left, I went shopping for a couple of those new fangled hoses that are light and very flexible. Gary has been carrying 5 gallon buckets of water from the barn hydrant over to his gardens and it's a long distance.  Since they will reach 200 feet he can water some of the gardens and fill the buckets on the spot so he does not have to carry them anymore.  Whew!
Evening chores.

Then we tried out the new watering system.  I took a lot of buckets over to the garden with my trike.
Salad for a late dinner.  Leftover chicken, pears, apples and walnuts on romaine.
Night all.



  1. You live in a fantastic community! Good idea with the hoses, why make it hard, when it can be easier. You will be a happy camper when the arm restrictions come off.

  2. Anything and everything to make those tasks easier.Love your trike carrier.Years ago friends of ours were on a largish farm, and when the tea was made, small son put the billy and cups on his trike and pedalled across the paddocks,. I have heard that by the time he arrived the tea was quite cool.Son in law has a road trike, younger daughter has a road bike, both with E power.I have heard you can get up to 30 kph even on a metal road!!!And I read the other day that ordinary pedal power bikes can be converted to E power !!!


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