Saturday, July 2, 2022

Finally! We Got A Little Rain!

It was a little overcast this morning, but it cleared up enough for us to still have our gig at the LeRoy Farm Market.

We got there a little before 9 and it took 45 minutes or more to set up.

So why is this video sideways?  I could not take it and play at the same time camera was hanging from the mic stand.

Always a nice experience....we are so well received and appreciated.

Home before 1 and did not do much this afternoon.Watched part of a series and then decided to try roasting a chicken on the grill. I salted the cavities and put an onion in the bigger one, salt and peppered the outside after basting it with some butter, squeezed on some lemon juice, covered it with tin foil and put the cover down.  Putting it in our biggest iron frying pan was the right thing to do.
The second time I basted it, I splashed on some OJ and brushed it with honey mustard.  I took the tin foil off and left it on the grill for a few more minutes to finish browning.
Went out for chores while it was resting.

It was still in the 80s.

Dinner was so good!  That is by far....the juiciest, most flavorful and tender roasted chicken I have ever made.  Would highly recommend grilling it so you don't have to heat up your house when it's hot outside.  Served it with mashed potatoes and a salad (romaine, pears, apples, crumbly blu and candied walnuts).
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. The video may have been sideways but the music wasn't! Love the song. Rebel! :) Your chicken looks delicious, the OJ was a really good touch.


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