Friday, July 8, 2022

Open Face

 Gorgeous weather again.

Gary has started hanging the garlic under the porch roof of his barn.
At 11 we picked up our friends, Joan and Rich R. and drove into Rochester to meet Jenny, Carol and Topper B. at "Open Face," a restaurant located within the Eastman House.  Jenny had given us a gift card for Christmas, so we thought we would try it.

The menu is unlike any other I have seen.  Not sure if you can read it.

The space is very light and fresh.

Joan had broccoli soup and half a sandwich...toasted brie topped with warm apricot preserve, tart cherry butter, sprinkled with poppy seed.
Rich had an open melt with Maple Turkey, served open with melted havarti, topped with French fried onions.
Carol had maple turkey on greens topped with ginger vinaigrette, and a side of beets, baguette chips, and soup.
Gary had soup, the open melt with maple turkey and a barley "rice pudding."
Topper had the same.
I had the toasted brie with a simple salad.
Jenny had the toasted havarti.  Melted havarti topped with French fried onions and dusted with smoked paprika on a bed of greens with a side of beets.
We were all very happy with our meals and liked going to a restaurant with a very different menu.
When finished, we hiked through the grounds....

on our way to Jenny's office.

She gave us a tour.

It's about 800 feet from there to "Open Face"...very handy when she wants a special lunch.
Home by 2.  Gary pulled more garlic and I took a nap.

Went out to tuck the ponies in....

and had a little breakfast for dinner.  Gary finished half of his lunch sandwich.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone's lunch looked fantastic! We are going to have a decent day today but then the tropical humidity and 90s return. Bah!


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