Saturday, June 11, 2022

Native Plants...

Another beautiful day in the 70s.

We had a new blossom this morning.

I don't know what happened to my energy level this morning, but I did a lot.  3 loads of wash, made chicken salad, chicken in gravy with peas and carrots and chicken stock.  We get so many meals out of 1 roaster.
At 9:30 Gary drove down to the Welcome Center for LOW BRIDGE HIGH WATER, an annual event held when the Canal is open for travel.  He, Nick B. (landscaper) and several others were selling native plants and giving tours of the native plant gardens around the Welcome Center.  I had decided to stay home, but Jenny stopped up and I drove down with her as Gary said he was going to treat us to some Strawberry Shortcake (which was being sold by the Kiwanis Club).  We didn't get there until after 12:30, and a band was on deck.

Drove home with Gary around 2:15 and my little buddy was happy to see us.
Talk about good light.
We took it easy until chore time.

Tucked in the ponies and went in for dinner.
I made a different salad tonight.  Chopped romaine, shredded extra sharp cheddar cheese, hard boiled eggs, chives and topped with homemade Russian dressing.
The chicken and biscuits tasted great!
Night all.


  1. Your food always looks so delish! Glad you are feeling well and getting some energy back.

  2. The plants look wonderful, a great selection, but I'll go for a scone with cream please!!!

  3. You make the best salads, truly. The young man has an epic braid! It's good to hear you are feeling more like yourself, the two of you motivate me.

  4. Yummy food and nothing like fresh strawberry shortcake to begin summer season .I love that you make your own salad dressing. Glad you are energetic again Lori! Have a good day. Kathy


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