Friday, June 24, 2022

Lunch and Bridge

Another beautiful day....but we do need some rain.

After chores Gary picked strawberries and by 9:15 I had them prepared
along with biscuits.  Got a head start as Hanny, Terry and Bobby were coming for lunch and bridge.

When I was semi organized, gave myself half an hour to mow a little more of the big pasture.
The John Deere knew it was time to quit and ran out of gas.

We had a salad for lunch (romaine, apple, pears, craisins, candied walnuts, crumbly blu and poppy seed dressing) with some spectacular bread that I picked up at Weggies.
When I put the shortcake together in fell over, but tasted great.
We are so fortunate to be able to spend time like this.  Plenty of opportunity for conversation and a lot of laughs.  The four hours flew by.

Before evening chores I finished mowing.

I had baked some beans, made a cucumber/dill salad and Gary grilled some hots.
Simple pleasures.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. You and your friends are fortunate to have one another. The food looks so good, it makes me want cucumbers! We've been hot and dry, it's supposed to rain, let's hope, and cool off a little.


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