Saturday, June 25, 2022

All Done

Another hot one.

I remowed the front paddock and last on the list was the scruffy outdoor arena.  Naturally, that is where Seamus and his horse were hanging out.  Unless we get some serious rain, I should not have to mow for awhile.
At least it looked a little better when I finished.  I have so much trimming to do when I am allowed to do something more with my left arm.  A couple weeks.....
When it gets this hot, Seamus and Rebel are smart enough to stay in the run-in by their stalls.
This afternoon they were there for a long time.
Little Wonder certainly did not like being outside.

Took it easy for the rest of the afternoon.

Tucked the ponies in and Gary scrubbed and bleached out the water trough so the water will be sparkling tomorrow morning.
Dinner?  Greens with Italian dressing topped with Mac salad.  Vegetarian and so easy.

Night all.  It's going to be 90 tomorrow.



  1. 90F, equal to about 30CF, way too hot to do anything outdoors.And if the grass isn't growing so fast, one less task for you.

  2. Your salad looks like my lunch salad. Poor. little Wonder, he wants to be with you and doesn't want to be with you. You are getting our weather again. We will be in the 70s tomorrow after several hot days.


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