Thursday, June 16, 2022

Jenny's Birthday

Jenny took the day off from work today and joined us and four of our friends for lunch.  We were honored that she wanted to spend some time with a senior delegation.
It was so muggy when I walked out the door this morning.  Yuck!

Our friend Judy came up for some strawberries around 9 and we sent her home with a quart and some lettuce.  Also gave her a ton of dill.  We have enough to supply Wegmans!

The weather report for today was not very good.  Rain, thunder, lightening hitting the ground and hail!
So, before going out to lunch I put the ponies inside so I would not have to worry.

The restaurant choice for today was Main Street Pizza in Batavia as none of our friends have been there and they love Italian food.

The place was packed and it was VERY noisy.  If we go again it will be later.  However!  Everyone loved their food and we think it's the best deal around.  Homemade pasta, homemade bread, and homemade salad dressings.

It's so nice to have like minded friends who enjoy each other's company.  Before Covid we had visited several other restaurants in the area.....and always had a good time.  The frosting on the cake was having Jenny join us.
We got home around 2 and turned Seamus and Rebel back out and sent Jenny and the Fentons home with strawberries and dill.
Turned on the tv (the earlier bad weather had passed us by) and BAM!  We had tornado warnings
and fortunately, we lucked out again. 

We took it easy in front of the fans and went out to do evening chores before Gary left to go watch Cooper's ball game.  Too hot for me.

No cooking tonight after having such a great lunch.
Night all.


  1. Jenny, many wonderful wishes from down south.What a grand meal for you all, and those fresh berries from your garden, down here the plants are just arriving in the stores, Amarosa is a great variety that we have had before and the fruit growers often choose it too.

  2. Really need to get to this fabulous restaurant as homemade is so worth it. I am glad Jennie spent her birthday with you all as each year becomes more precious than the year before. So happy the weather held out and we did not get the severe weather predicted but it still is scary thinking of a tornado possibility here in our area. Kathy

  3. Happy Birthday, Jenny!. Fabulous she wanted to spend the day with you. Amhuge relief the really bad weather skirted you and it's good tomorrow will be better. That's a large garden!


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