Sunday, May 1, 2022

Who's Ready For Some Rhubarb?

Much of the day was packed with sunshine, but by the time I went out for evening chores it was raining.  Sent to us by one of my blogging friends in Minnesota.  Whatever kind of weather she gets, it arrives here the next day.

This morning I went out to visit Andrea at Glen Darach Farm and rhubarb is one of her favorites.
I was very surprised that some of it was ready!  A pie is in our near future.
The garlic is doing very well and Gary was out there planting something today.

I did some mowing before I left the farm....
and stopped at Tractor Supply to get some grain and beet pulp pellets.  Holy moly! The price of the grain has gone up $4 per bag.  The same goes for Wegmans.  I had to stop there too.
When I went out for evening chores Rebel and Seamus were next to the grooming room so they were protected from the wind.  They just started getting wet.

Before I went out to the barn I had put some chicken (marinated...caramelized onions and topped with some honey mustard) and yams in the oven so we could eat when I got back in the house.  It was delish.
Night all.


  1. You put together some great meals! It’s probably still more reasonable buying our foods and cooking them at home versus eating dinner out.
    I wonder if food prices will come down eventually. Kathy

  2. Chicken for our dinner tonight too., Rhubarb, Hugh has grown the sweeter red variety and the original green stemmed ones. They thrive if fed very well.

  3. I'm sorry we keep sending you our weather. I can't get it to listen to me! That is a mighty fine looking dinner, Lori.


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