Saturday, May 28, 2022

Chicken French ala Jenny

I'm trying to behave myself and did nothing most of the day.  Because I need to be with my animals I continue to go out to the barn with Gary's help and do a couple little things while wearing my sling.

By the time we finished morning chores it was grey and the rain we got last night was pretty much over.  All the grass in the paddock and pastures has started growing like crazy.

When we moved to the farm there was a heritage rosebush here and every spring, about this time, it starts to bloom.  We gave Jenny several starts and her rose bush is three times the size of ours....bursting.

I decided to make a vegetarian pasta salad to have around and gave a big bowl to Jenny.

After a very long nap, Gary put many of the native plants he bought a couple days ago into the kitchen garden.  Pretty soon the flower part will fill in.
Sophie loves hanging out with him.
I was able to pick a lot of spinach and gave it to Jenny for her dinner, as she was making us chicken French and orzo for ours.  We ended up with some beautiful sunshine.

Went out for evening chores and The Rebel was waiting at the feed room door.

Seamus was still chowing out back.
I called him and he ran right in.

Right when we finished, Jenny drove in with our dinner.  All I had to do was make a salad (mixed greens, craisins, apples and walnuts with a balsamic dressing).  Outstanding!
Right now, there is some very good light coming in the windows.
I only have 5 big plants in the house and it seems very bare.
Many thank to all of you who have left me comments/messages.
Night all.



  1. Your are a trooper, up and about outside, and a post with photos,!!!! Again, a very smart sling. Not doing much down here, shingles pain is overwhelming all the time.

  2. Of course it is natural for you to want to be near your pets. They would miss you too not coming out to see them. I am glad you feel up to getting around and your dinner looked great as always, I will try to see if I have a Google account to sign in under that rather than anonymous. Kathy

  3. I'm happy to see you out and about and that you are being careful. I just love your kitchen garden. Jenny made a very delicious looking dinner, how fortunate for you!


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