Friday, April 15, 2022

Winds Over 50 Miles Per Hour

More shingles came down.  A chilly morning that got up to the high 40s and ended up raining.  They won't be working on the barn roof until Monday so I let Rebel and Seamus in the big pasture and much to their surprise, the lift was still there.

Gary met his pals for coffee and I had most of the chores finished by the time he got home.
The light was much better than it was last night so I really got a good look at the part of the roof that is finished.

At 10:30 I went to Oak Orchard to pick up my new glasses and stopped at Country Max for some grain on the way home.  Lots of pansies out front.

It was so crazy by 1pm I put The Rebel and his pony in the barn so they could get out of the wind and rain.

I only had to pick up one wheelbarrow full of shingles.
Needed a nap but it never happened.  Instead, Doug and I met at the Library so we could check out the space where SHE SINGS will be performing at the fundraiser on May 7th.

Little Wonder and I went out to the barn at 5 so I could let the ponies out...cleaned and reset their stalls. The water trough was filled with dirt and leaves from the wind so I dumped it, cleaned it out and filled it with water.  Yay!!!! No buckets needed as I now have a hose from the hydrant in the barn.  This is the first time I was able to fill it with public water and did not have to worry about having enough in the well to do it at one time!  You can't imagine how much easier this was....
After morning chores I took a board down in Seamus's stall so he could see Rebel.  When he figured it out tonight, he stood there for a long time.

I'm going to have to do some serious brushing in the morning as the weather is going to change and they may need their sheets.  Might even get a little snow this weekend.

I made chicken soup earlier and picked up Danny's Favorite sub when I was out doing errands.  Boy did it taste good!
Night all.



  1. Little Seamus is like me, he needs a stool to stand on to see over anything too high. On my Mum's side, her brother was 1/4 inch under 5 foot high, and he was not accepted into the airforce!!! Her Mum was tiny too, so I guess I was lucky enough to get to 5'3" .The new roof looks amazing, wait till it is all done, no more worrying when the gales come.

  2. I'm sorry for the weather we keep sending your way! I like the barn roof, that will be a huge relief once it's done. Wonder is just so cute, I could easily spend my days with him in my lap. Seamus needs his Rebel.


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