Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Mildish this morning and ended up in the low 70s with light rain.

After chores I finished setting up the Studio for today's rehearsal.  At that time it was about 50 degrees in there so I put the little electric heater on and later opened the door to let in the warm air.

Fortunately the electrician arrived by 9:30 to repair the line that went to the Studio and we were powered on just in time.

Jason and Mike were on hand mid morning and finished putting the strips on the top of the roof.

At 12:30 Doug arrived and got things organized so we would be set up the way it is going to be at our two gigs.
It really made a difference and the sound was more balanced.  However, it's been a long time since we played in this space and the acoustics took some getting used to.
It's a good thing I removed so many obstacles yesterday, as we needed the additional space.
The set list we played was for the Earth Day gig.  You already know all the songs.
Little Wonder did not know where to settle as I was in a different spot.  I moved his bed near me, but he spent half of the time outside.  He is quite the trooper, and has now had to adjust to the drum.

Just before evening chores it was sprinkling and I went out to check on the status of the roof.
The video is extra noisy as I was on the lawn tractor and it was running.
By 6:30, over 80% of the lower level had metal on it.

Rebel and Seamus had rolled while it was raining and both were a mess.

They should be nice and dry by morning so I can clean them up.
So what was Gary doing today?  Around 9 he headed to Buffalo for a couple meetings.  The first was for coffee with a friend that was in his High School class (Peter Wolfe), then he went over to DITONDO for lunch.  Gary reads the Buffalo News every day and enjoys communicating with the people who write articles.  One of those people is Andrew Galarneau, the food editor.  They have been messaging back and forth for quite some time and last season Gary sent him a box of his garlic.  In return, Andrew wanted to treat us to lunch at one of the restaurants he had reviewed and Gary picked this one.  I stayed home for the rehearsal and wanted to keep tabs on the ponies while the lift was in operation.

Andrew was kind enough to send photos of the food they ordered.
In no particular order....
Pasta of the Day-Spaghetti with caramelized onions and bacon
Gnocchi, Gorgonzola, Radicchio & Walnuts
Fried Oyster Mushrooms with Hollandaise 
Braised Pork "Spezzatino," Apples & Cabbage
Salad Greens & Nutritional Yeast
Farro Salad with cauliflower, carrots, raisins, almonds & Fontina
Bread & Butter
Panna Cotta & Amarene Cherries

Gary brought home a great sampling of these dishes and an entire portion of Tiramisu, which we split!  Wow!  I would go there in a heartbeat.
Night all.



  1. Tiramasu, definitely my pick, the last time I tasted this was at our younger daughter's wedding, 3rd March, 2018. I would be at that favourite place in a shot as well, the rest of the menu looks amazing.

  2. We have wind up to 50 miles/hr and snow! That food looks fabulous.


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