Monday, February 21, 2022

I See Grass

Over 50 today and melting like crazy.  Gary and I cleaned the house and had bridge here this afternoon.  Around 10:30 am it was getting warm enough to take the sheets off the horses....they were very happy to be bare naked.  Little Wonder liked it....

Night all.


  1. Sidney sitting sunbathing? An equine snow bath or a roll in the snow? A good hand for bridge, and grass peeking through. maybe you are all on the way to spring.Down here, the covid numbers are increasing so fast, even in our small town, scary stuff!!!

  2. Nice weather! We had nearly 50 on Sunday before the cold front moved in. Now we are waiting to see if we get an ice storm or a winter/ice/mixed storm.
    So nice to see your equine with their blankets off!


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