Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Snow Stuck Today....

Last night we were able to watch Cooper's basketball game on this computer.  It was just as good as watching it on television.  They lost by a couple of points but what an improvement over the last game.

The weather took a real turn today.  It was spritzing when Little Wonder and I went out to the barn and then the snow started.

  A few days ago Gary pulled the remaining beets, so I decided to make them into something today.

By then the snow was sticking to the ground.

I made pickled beets, roasted beets and boiled beets....we should be all set in that department.
By this afternoon the snow turned to rain and at 2:30 I gave up and put the horses in their stalls.  Left the music on and went back out at 5 to grain them and reset their hay and water.  It's going to get cold tonight so the paddock is going to be a wreck tomorrow morning with all the mud freezing.

It was too dark in the feed room to get a decent video, but I love this song and took one anyway.
Can you tell that Little Wonder is there?

It looked like this when we got back to the house.
Gary was kind enough to make French Toast and bacon for dinner.
And now.....have to get out by the fire.
Night all.



  1. Looks like a winter evening for sure! Our snow is gone and it is brown on brown outside. I found some green grass where the sun still shines. The hoof prints of muck turned into pointy mudprints.
    The mules are tip toeing around until they bust down the mud bumps.

  2. Good night to you too. Have been enjoying your blog. Where are you located?

  3. Diane in northern wis.....We living in Brockport, New York....about 20 miles from Rochester and 50 miles from Buffalo. Thank you for tuning in to my Journal!

  4. Diane....we live in Brockport....not living in Brockport......

  5. Thanks Lori, for your answer about where you live. When I read your blog today I figured you might be living in New York because you were watching the Bills and were happy they won! Then I came back and read your answer to me here.


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