Sunday, December 19, 2021

Have You Ever Made a Korean Salad?

Snow and in the mid 20s today. 

I think Little Wonder appreciated his red coat.

Of course he did not wear it again until evening chores.

The horses are definately starting to eat more from their hay nets now that it takes more effort to get through the snow for grass.  They are so protected under the shed roof.
It seems that we are using a LOT of wood this year.  Gary has it under control and splits it regularly...
so we can have the pleasure of cozy fires.
This afternoon we watched the Buffalo Bills game..... happy that they won.

Evening chore duty.

Tucked in for the night.

I planned to make a Korean salad last night until I discovered that the dressing has to be made 24 hours in advance.  We had it tonight and it was worth the wait.  Have you ever had one?
Spinach, hard boiled eggs, water chestnuts, bean sprouts and bacon, tossed with a delicious and very different dressing.  (Oil, vinegar, Worchester sauce, sugar, ketchup, salt, pepper and 1 cup of chopped onions.)

So delicious!  We love having big salads for dinner.
Night all.


  1. I am going to have to look up how to make that dressing as I never have served that with a spinach salad. Kathy

  2. No, we've never had one, but do enjoy salads quite often. Mostly it isn't very fancy.
    Everything looks quite delicious.

  3. That Korean salad dressing looks delish, I think I will look up a recipe. Maybe for Christmas. I like the photos of your horses and dog and barn. Have you read Will's Red Coat, a charming memoir about a man and a little dog he adopted.


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