Sunday, November 14, 2021

One Ugmo Day....

Cold with rain and it wants to snow.

After chores I went out and picked the pastures....just in case we get some snow.
Gary continued moving leaves this morning.  Two more rows to go.

The flowers on our kitchen table changed for the third time.  This morning they were standing straight up.  All perky.

We had another hibiscus blossom and I see more buds on a couple of the other plants.  They must like the temperature in the house.

This afternoon I went out to help Gary with the leaves.  I filled the wheel barrows and he dumped them.
Lasted for about 24 loads and went back in the house.

I went out a little early for evening chores.  By 4:30 it seemed very dark because it was raining.
On the way in from the barn it started to snow....very wet flakes.
Leftovers for dinner with a grilled burger.  Need to get out by the fire and finish my book.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Looks like your winter has really set in now, with snow falling. The dinner menu is much the same here, Hamburger patties, own cauliflower, own pumpkin, and bought spuds.


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