Saturday, November 13, 2021

Corn Chowder and Apple Betty Pie

Very cold this morning.  In the 30s.

Nothing stops the Rebel from rolling in the mud.

I could really feel the change in the weather....even wore a hat.
When I got back to the house I picked a few of the remaining flowers in case it started to snow.
Then I got in my domestic groove and started cooking.
First I made corn chowder.

After that I made an Apple Betty Pie.  Ironically, I made one last year on this day and was motivated to make another one.  I started with a splash of orange juice on the apples.
Then I mixed apples, craisins, walnuts and a crumbly topping

and dumped it into the pie crust.

I love the way it looks without a top.
So simple....can't wait to taste it.
Little Wonder and I took it easy in front of the fire and watched a movie this afternoon.

By late afternoon the sun was blasting into the house.

The flowers that I picked earlier suddenly looked very different.
They were all perked up and full of life.
By the time I went out to do evening chores it was very dreary.

Dinner was delicious.
Night all.



  1. Those flowers are wonderful! Nothing like that here!

    We have had snow, rain, and grey skies for a couple of days.

  2. Mmmm... corn chowder. My grandma used to make it and bring it to my office on days like this. Yesterday afternoon it snowed CHUNKS down here all day. I made my grandma's molasses cookies. Today is damp and raw again. I'm going to make two pans of lasagna for the freezer.


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