Friday, October 15, 2021

Fried Cabbage....

There was definately a change in the weather today, and just now a tornado warning came on the TV for areas south of us.  (6:30pm).

By the time I got in from morning chores, the waterline crew was busy across the street adding topsoil and spraying on grass seed.
It sure looks a lot better.
A short while later they were leveling off our yard.
I was pretty lazy today.  Even took a nap this afternoon.

I decided to make some fried cabbage to go with our dinner tonight.
Sautéed a couple onions (from our garden) in butter and olive oil....
added half of a big cabbage and one grated apple (from our tree).

Once that got going I added 1 teaspoon of chicken "Better Than Bullion" and a cup of water.
I was following two different recipes so I took a little from each.  Added red pepper flakes, fresh ground pepper, a tablespoon of cider vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar and cooked down until all the liquid was gone.
Served it with grilled pork chops (from Robb's Farm)
Boiled potatoes with parsley (both from our garden) and butter...
and homemade applesauce (from our tree).  The combination was superb.
Night all.



  1. Home grown and home cooked is always best. Those potatoes look delicious

  2. You always present the most beautiful meals. I'm glad I don't photo our ugly meals! LOL.

    Tornado warning? Hope you are all safe where you are.
    Chilly morning here in WI.

  3. Your meal prep amazes me and I am always inspired to try new things when I see your posts. Kathy


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