Thursday, October 14, 2021

Darkness Prevails

Another perfectly gorgeous day in the 70s.

Berlin was waiting for me this morning.
While the horses were eating their grain, I walked all the pastures looking for Berlin's purple mask.  She lost it days ago and I can't find it anywhere.

Rebel looks fine at the walk....the test is going to be trotting.

Gary finished planting 1100 cloves of garlic today.  A long, back breaking job.
Our neighbors came over for a tour and the horses just happened to be in the indoor.

I'm going to tour their home next!
Took a quick shower and headed down to the library to play duplicate bridge.  Skip was my partner and we had the worst cards!  Came in last, but it was still fun to play.
Afterward I stopped at the Town Hall to renew Little Wonder's dog license and spent some time chatting with Leisa S. about the water project.  We are getting close and have to make sure that everything is done correctly when they hook us up.  The pipes have to be 5 feet under the ground so they don't freeze.  We will be making sure everything is done right.
When I got home, Mrs. N. stopped up with lots of pumpkins.  Her sons are the ones who take our manure and use it to fertilize their fields.  They have never had so many as this year.  I'll have to take a photo of their display.

She labeled this one.  Guess I'll have to make another scratch pie!
Dinner?  Leftover acorn squash/apple soup with a grilled cheddar cheese/roasted red pepper panini.

It sure is getting dark early!
Night all.



  1. That pumpkin surely looks so good for a pie.

  2. Dear Lori, every time I visit your blog and gaze at the animals with whom you share your life and read about the friends and the town where you've chosen to sojourn and then stop and consider the taste of the meal you've prepared for supper, I feel as if I've taken a vacation and visited you and your husband and your life. Thank you from the recluse here in Missouri! Peace;

  3. Dee. I always appreciate the comments you leave for me. I wish you lived closer so you could come for dinner!


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