Monday, October 11, 2021

Clean Sheets! (Not Your Band Lucky)

What a day!  80 degrees and started off with a beautiful sunrise.

Our friend Al stopped up with some hickory wood for Gary.

I could not resist washing sheets and hanging them out on the line.

Jenny called and said she was coming up to ride around 2, so I raked the indoor.

Berlin joined us in the grooming room and she actual behaved herself.
Rebel has not been ridden for quite awhile and as soon as he came in Jenny asked me if he was sound.
She started out in the outdoor arena, and just walked.

Seemed ok.

Such a gorgeous boy.

We took him into the indoor to trot and sure enough, he was off in his front left.  When the farrier was here he was fine.  I have a feeling that when the horses went nuts while they were putting the shed roof on the back of the barn he pulled something.  Does not seem to be his foot....further up.  We shall see.
I love this boy!  He did everything Jenny asked him with no complaints.  Of course she got off and we gave him a good rubdown.

Before she left, Jenny picked more flowers....
and we sent her home with mixed greens, parsley, green peppers, tomatoes and raspberries.
And 3 apples.

Simple dinner. Salad and leftover pasta from last night.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Hopefully he does well.
    Sundance was off and pulled something about a month ago. Our farrier was there and checked her out.
    I imagine she was off chasing and playing as usual and pulled a bit at her tendon. She fully recovered.

    Rebel is a good boy!


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