Wednesday, August 18, 2021

#7343 Tomato Pie....Lessons Learned

Well, it rained most of the day.

After chores it was just sprinkling, so I threw some grass seed on the outdoor arena.  Who knows, by now it could all be under water.
After having over a week off we had a rehearsal this afternoon.  This is what it looks like when we are all connected to our amps, mics and instruments.
Little Wonder took his place under the table and did not move until we were finished.

We worked on some different music today.  
From one bed to the next....the big snoozer.
Finally, I got my act together and made a tomato pie.

I thought I followed the directions, but it ended up being too juicy.  However!!!!It was delicious!
Cut the tomatoes in half.  Squeezed out the juice.  Added salt and let them drain.  Pushed them down with a potato masher.  Still was not enough.
Done for the day.
Night all.



  1. Lovely music, lovely tomatoes, LW, you could be called Lovely too.

  2. Dear Lori, thanks for posting a segment of the song. I'd never heard it before--knocking at the door. I'm wondering if you are still teaching art/painting or is the Pandemic ended that. You do keep so busy and you have so much talent, not just for music and painting but for loving animals. Peace.

  3. Ahhhh! I heard there was some flooding out your way. Hopefully it won't be bad for you.
    I love the sound of tomato pie.
    I bet is was wonderful!


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