Wednesday, July 14, 2021

#7308 My Favorite Kayak

Today was a little different.  No rain so far and I was able to mow the lawn.

I had to wear boots to do chores, it was so muddy from the monsoon.
Needless to say, Little Wonder's feet were hosed off.

We had a great practice today and are ready for tomorrow's gig.
There is a dedication for a kayak/canoe launch down at the Welcome Center and we are the entertainment.  It is the first of it's kind on the Erie Canal and the Mayor and several Canal dignitaries will be there to speak.  At 5:30 a fleet of kayaks is going to approach the Main Street bridge and when the bell goes off and it is raised, we are going to sing a song we adapted from Peter, Paul and Mary's "Bamboo."
I can only post 56 or 57 seconds at a time so it is in 3 sections.  We had so much fun figuring out alternate lyrics.

Nancy and Tom's daughter and granddaughter stopped in at the end of our session as they wanted to see the horses.

While we were doing that, Gary traded some garlic and manure for a couple bottles of wine made by a friend of ours.  He knows what he is doing and Gary loved last years wine!

Nothing special for dinner.
Night all.


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