Tuesday, July 13, 2021

#7307 Crazy Weather...LOTS of Rain

As expected, a muggy start to the day....and it went up and down hill from there.

The paddock was already a muddy mess from the past few days of rain, so Gary was not excited to bring the grain into the feed room.  He also took out my wheel barrow after cleaning the stalls.  Such a gentleman.

I took a few minutes and mowed the grassy part of the front paddock.  The outdoor arena has standing water, but it's making the grass grow....that will have to wait.

I picked some beets, which Gary washed off, so we could give them to the Botts and Fentons when we met them for lunch.

It was still sunny when we left the farm, and very muggy.
Got to Zambistro around noon.
Needless to say, we had a lot of laughs!

We ordered all kinds of good things for lunch.  Soup, salads, shaved steak sandwiches, beef on wick
and no dessert.  Everything was delicious.

We left Medina a little before 2 and it was 90 degrees.  By the time we got near Clarendon the temperature was at 76 and there was a major downpour.  We turned onto Redman Road to get off the main drag as there was so much traffic and opportunity for fish tailing.

When we got home it was still raining....but not so hard.

The sun came back out and it started to get steamy.

(check out those beets!)

We both took naps.....
Then bam!  More thunder, lightning and rain.
And that was not all!!!!

I can't imagine what our rain gauge is going to say.  More is on the way.
Night all.



  1. Eeek gads! That is a lot of rain but you needed some of it right?

    We are supposed to the a 4 inch rain fall today and tonight???

  2. In Jamestown, we have had more than 5 inches of rain in July. It has rained about 7 days straight. We have standing water in the lawns. The daylilies are soggy. I need some sun for my sanity


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