Monday, July 5, 2021

#7299 Garlic and Music...

It started off cool and then headed for the low 90s!

Picked some new flowers for the Studio.

Gary worked on the garlic most of the day and Mark came up to help him pull out more.

Rehearsal at 1:30.  All five of us were present and it was very productive.

Once again, Little Wonder was there for the entire time.

I got a major Charlie Horse in my leg and did not sing while I stretched.  Ended up taking a real video of the rest of the crew.

In my wildest dreams I never expected to be part of a band playing gigs at this age!  So lucky to be doing it with this group of people!
For some reason, Little Wonder still loves being in the Studio... even tho we have traded art for music.

We had a decent dinner.  So glad the house has stayed cool (so far).
Night all.



  1. In your wildest dreams, love all the lyrics and songsters. Superb. In my wildest dreams, I would never have imagined I would have a blog, wonderful, true blog friends world wide, we would care, share, and my horizon would be stretched so wide and far.You must all be so happy to be together again. Even L W, lying there with not a care in his wide world.

  2. I understand your comment about being in a musical group. My group doesn't perform but plays (since Covid) in a gazebo in a local park and sometimes people gather and listen. It is wildly enjoyable and sometimes brings tears to my eyes as I realize I'm actually playing with them. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  3. I bet he loves the music and finds it relaxing. Kudos for you being in a group...errrr band?
    Looks hot and hazy there.

  4. Nancy...I sure do appreciate all of your comments and wish you could be here with us while we are playing our music. is very emotional to me. I totally get how you feel when you play.

    Val....I guess you would call us a band, but at our age, maybe group is more appropriate.


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