Sunday, July 4, 2021

#7298 Remembering Fran

A very beautiful day.  Low 70s and low humidity.

After chores we went down to Sunflower Landing

as motorcyclists from all over the state were coming to pay tribute to Fran, our neighbor, who passed away on Friday.  We were at his Mom's house along with many family members and over 100 arrived around 10:30.
Fran had just gotten this new bike a couple months ago and was able to go on several rides with his friends.
All of us were in awe when we saw how many arrived.
His daughter
and Mom were so moved.

Fran was very active with the Patriot Guard Riders and he is going to be missed by so many.
On the way home we stopped at the Farm Market.
Woody and Dennis were playing.

Meanwhile back at the ranch....

Our friend Mark came over to pull garlic this morning and by this afternoon Gary was cleaning and separating by size.  It looks like an excellent crop.

The raspberries are coming on....not too many yet, but they are delicious.

Chore duty tonight.  The temperature was great for the ponies.

Good light.

Now, I am hoping that our neighbors won't go nuts with fireworks tonight!
It's so hard on the animals as well as people!!!  It's time to ban the explosive part.
Night all.



  1. I am with you too. People all around us are blowing off fireworks this late and it’s hard to keep the pets calm so another night of no sleep till it stops. Ka5y

  2. I can appreciate the discomfort fireworks cause for animals and people but also understand the excitement of the fireworks.
    My animals don't care --- they lift their heads and go back to what they were doing. But then again two of the mules were 'hunting' mules and the C 130's that fly at tree level don't bother them either.
    Charlie is a puppy puddle from loud noises, fireworks and gunfire. The 9 day deer hunt is tough for him. But lots of hugs help.
    Our neighbors always check with Rich before firing off the fireworks to see if it will bother him too.


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