Friday, June 4, 2021

#7267 Finally....Dinner With Judy

After I posted last night, Little Wonder and I chased the sunset to get these shots.

Also took a shot in the dark of the iris.
Chores as usual this morning.

Gary picked some of our first strawberries and they were delicious.
By tomorrow I may be able to fill up a bowl.

We were invited to Judy's tonight for dinner and it was my job to make dessert.  Decided to make Apple Betty since I had all the ingredients.
What a fabulous dinner!
Salad, pot roast, carrots, asparagus, potatoes and delicious gravy.
The dessert was just right.
We can now look forward to getting together for meals with pals.

Home by 9 and the sunset was gorgeous again...but I had no energy to chase it.
Night all.



  1. It must be4 so wonderful to meet with friends again and share that delicious meal. Sunset and sunrise, that change of season brings the deeper colours.

  2. Looks wonderful! I picked up pie at the farmer's market in town ... great yummy dessert, but not as good as yours!


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