Thursday, June 3, 2021

#7266 Designer Dog

We had more rain last night, but not much today.  Hardly any sunshine.

Here is Little Wonder before he went to the groomer.

Our first clematis blossoms have arrived and there are hundreds of buds.

I don't think Little Wonder understood me when I said we were going to the Groomer's.

I dropped him off at 11.  So glad he likes being there.

As you can see, a lot of work is going on as we get closer to having public water.  I believe they are ahead of schedule.
Picked Little Wonder up at 12:30....all nice and clean.

At 2pm I met with the Mayor regarding our upcoming gig.

There will be a dedication ceremony for the new kayak/canoe launch near the Welcome Center and we (She Sings) are going to provide some entertainment.

While we were checking things out, two big boats came under the bridge.

This is one slick setup!

Meanwhile back at the ranch....Karen rode Elliott

and his buddies wanted to keep him company.

We had a simple but delicious dinner tonight.  Schnitzel, green beans and pasta salad.  Hit the spot.
Of course the sun showed up at 6pm....
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. LW looks wonderful of course! What a handsome Designer Dog!

    Hope you have a great weekend. Quiet and windy ... and dry here!


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