Friday, May 14, 2021

Post #7246Blowin' in the Wind

 What a beautiful day!!!!!

By the time I was ready to go out to the barn, this piece of equipment was across the street working on the area where the water line is going to be installed.  They were ripping down trees and all kinds of brush.  Covered about a mile since yesterday and they follow through with an excellent removal of debris.  I did not think they would be doing this for a couple of months!

After chores I decided to set up the porch and took out most of the house plants.
We moved the kitty condo so there is a lot more room.

Berlin spent a lot of the day under the shed roof keeping cool.

I want to start washing several of the quilts my Mom made and will hang them on the line so they smell extra good.

At 4:30 we left for our friend Alicia's 80th birthday party.  Could not have asked for more perfect weather.  All of us had been vaccinated, so we could have a "normal" gathering.

Hey Lucky!
We were all very happy to see each other and our hosts could not have been more gracious.
Home by 7:30.  Little Wonder was waiting for dinner and I scrambled him an egg.
Good light.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! All Vaccinated is SO important!
    I have a story about the vaccination issue too but won't put it on my blog.

    Happy Birthday to a wonderful lady. Good to be able to see others again, right?


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