Thursday, May 13, 2021

Post #7245 Ariana's Birthday

Last year we messaged this video to Ariana on her birthday and I don't think I posted it.  We laughed so hard when her photo fell down at the end, just had to share it again.  Could not be more proud of this kid!
I'm sure you have seen many photos over the years.  She is beautiful inside and out and is just completing her first year of teaching.  Sure wish we were celebrating together!

The most ideal weather I could ever ask for.  High 60s and gorgeous today.

They dumped 90 tons of lime on the field next to our house and it sounds like they are going to plant soy beans or corn.
After chores Little Wonder followed me around while I 
raked the indoor and the track around the outdoor arena.

Finally, another blossom...with couple more buds in waiting.
I'm almost ready to put most of my plants outside.

Gary has been doing a lot of work in what will be our kitchen garden.
Today he added some mushroom mulch and top soil.
Pretty soon this space will be filled with tomato and pepper plants.

Karen rode Elliott before chores tonight.

Such a handsome boy.

Pancakes and bacon for supper.

Night all.



  1. I'll take pancakes and maple syrup any day. Love your flowers, the birthday girl, back then, the video, and now a beautiful young lady. Birthday Greetings Ariana from down in NZ. I think of so many years ago when families lived within a pony ride of each-other.

  2. So much going on! Flowers, gardens, videos, and birthdays. Sounds like things are going well. Our weather is finally settling in with a bit warmer temps too. We still need rain like crazy. Normally our yard has to be mowed every few days but not this time.


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