Saturday, February 13, 2021

Post #7155 A Whole Lot of Fainting Goin' On

Poor Phoebe has been on a roll, starting with last night.  I don't know what makes one day better or worse than another.  Every night I have to let her go outside a couple of times. She fainted around 2:15, then slept until 7:30.  Today she fainted 3 more times and rallied in between.  I can't imagine how long this will go on.

After chores I grabbed a quick shower and spent the next several hours with my friend Doug (the techie bass player from She Sings) learning how to do some stuff on my computer.  I needed to add Photoshop Elements and also downloaded Clean My Mac.  Can't believe how much stuff I got rid of.  I really never learned a lot about my iMac, even tho I use it every single day.  Quite an education.

Who would guess that this cute girl could faint so much and still look like this?

It has been very cold for quite awhile and the next week does not look good either.
The average temperature for this time is 33 degrees and we can hardly get out of the teens.
I certainly have not been taking many photos and need to get motivated.
Chore duty tonight.

We were not very hungry, so had eggs and English Muffins for dinner.
The oj and banana hit the spot too.
Night all.


  1. Looks like a perfect supper. The bitter cold is finally getting to me after a week of it! Uffdah!

    I've had a few people tell me to switch to an iMac, but still on the post. I have too many art-fractal programs I wouldn't be able to run.

    Ahhhh, the thought of a new laptop would be nice. Sometime next year maybe.
    I like Adobe Elements it is a good program.

  2. Maybe the cold is affecting Phoebe more than we realise, I know my angina was triggered by a colder temperature. I love my Macbook Pro, and guess after 2 years should do a tidy up also.

  3. I was thinking the same thing about the cold triggering more frequent spells for Phoebe. Once it warms up you will have a chance to see if it makes a difference to her. Both my dogs are rescues from the south so I noticed how hard it was for them to adapt to walking on snow or ice and they sure don’t last long out there so it’s frequent trips out for their own safety. Kathy

  4. Poor Phoebe. Might be the cold affecting her, the hard part is you just don’t know. We’ve been so cold and snowy too. Never seems to end.


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