Friday, February 12, 2021

Post #7154 She Sings Again

I feel very lucky not to have had side effects from the second Covid shot. Felt normal this morning and had no trouble doing chores.  It was pretty crispy!

Phoebe made it out to the paddock this morning and I carried her back in so it was not too much for her.  She continues to faint at least once a day and then rallies.

This afternoon She Sings got together for a couple of hours and it sure felt good.
This is what shows up on my computer screen.  It's part of a software program called JAMULUS
and makes it possible to adjust how much sound we are getting from each participant
as we are listening to each other through our headphones.
My mic, uke and headphones are plugged into this little box (Focusrite)
and that is plugged into my computer.  Tom acts as the server, so we can all sign on and play/sing together.  I'm not a real techie, and needed plenty of help setting this's quite something!
We sound like we are on a soundstage.  Who knew?

After our session I made a quick trip to Wegmans.
Picked up a pizza for dinner.
I did manage to watch some of the trial today.  The defense attorneys must be making Trump nervous.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. I've been reading about the trial. In some ways I feel like the Rep. are treating it as a mock trail and not treating it seriously. I think the glaring part of everything is how the sitting president did NOT try to do anything while the Capitol was being breached. He enjoyed it in my opinion. He was fascinated by the chaos he created.

    Wonderful to have She Sings back right?
    So can you do paint classes with Zoom or something? Or will you do art classes outside this summer? Just curious.
    Even after vaccinations, my hubby wants us to follow careful procedures which could keep him healthy.


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