Friday, January 15, 2021

Post #7126 Veggie Stir Fry and a Rustic Apple Tart

The sunrise was beautiful.

Every morning chore time starts off the same way.  Phoebe and Little Wonder go through the front paddock and check out the big pasture.

Angel seems to be improving little by little and joined the rest of the horses out back.

After chores I was on my computer for awhile....

then decided to make a rustic apple tart with raisins and walnuts.
Feeling a little domestic for some reason.

Yes, we had some nap time.

I was going to have a Zoom meeting with my She Sings buddies at 4pm, so started working on prepping dinner so it would not take me so long later.  We were long overdue for a good vegetarian meal so I decided to make a veggie stir fry with lomain and caramelized fresh pineapple.

We Zoomed at 4 (Lori Staubitz could not make it) to discuss this piece of equipment that will allow us to play together with quality sound....from our own homes.  Can't remember what it is called, but everything plugs into it and we wear headphones (which we all wore today).  We have not had a good chat for many months.
Here it is....whatever you call it....
We did not finish until after 5:30, so I'm glad I had gotten a head start on dinner.
I cut up a fresh pineapple, cubed it and put it in a frying pan with some butter.
Then I added some brown sugar and let it caramelize.
I had already started the lomain and then began stir frying veggies.  Lots of veggies.
Onions, carrots, celery,
green peppers....
roasted red peppers....
snow peas...
bean sprouts...
frozen peas and sesame seeds.
At the end I added a mixture of soy sauce, water, vinegar, sugar and flour to create a thickened sauce.


Night all.



  1. Yummy dinner. Thanks for the recipe and love the pineapple carmalized . Kathy

  2. If I could travel i'd come for dinner!!!! Too yummy for words.

  3. I bet meeting everyone was nice even if it was by Zoom. If I could get my hubby to eat a veggie meal it would be a miracle!
    Your meals are always so enticing...and good to hear that Angel is doing better. I'd say it was a good day!


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