Thursday, January 14, 2021

Post #7125 The Countdown to the Inauguration

 When?  When are we going to have more sunshine?  As of this time, we have had less snow than last year by 2 feet!

Fortunately I have only had a sore arm where the injection was made for the Covid-19 Vaccine I got yesterday morning. No other side effects at this point.  
Doing chores probably helped loosen it up a little.
This sure does not look like January.

Some friends sent the most beautiful flowers this afternoon.  What a gift.
Certainly made my day!

Gary had an appointment in Rochester today, and I did my usual nothing after chores.

The pups watched a movie with me and my friend Doug helped straighten out Drop Box so music can be sent to me from She Sings. He was able to walk me through it on the phone. We are going to be getting the necessary equipment so we can play together from our own homes, wearing headphones.  It would be so nice to spend more time with music.  We have not been together for months!!!!
Simple dinner.  A salad and leftover sloppy Joes.

The fire is calling me.
Night all.

The FBI has now informed Congress of three possible scenarios...all are terrifying.

Videos made by rioters are surfacing.
More and more police officers from around the country have been identified.  So sad to think of what was done to many Capitol policemen who were trying to defend the building.

There is great concern for what may take place at the state capitols.

It's a very sad time for this country and I worry about the next few days.


  1. Beautiful flowers to perk up a room! We were warm too ,snowed in the morning then got into the 40’s. Got my shot yesterday too, no side effects just a sore arm so far. I’ll take it! I’m worried about everything too. Let’s just hope after the 20th things start to get better and these crazies just go home and look for a job or take up knitting.

  2. Flowers are just the pick me up you need Lori. I sure hope with all the heightened alerts people stay vigilant the next week cause what could possibly happen is just not something I can even begin to comprehend. Glad you had your shot and safe warm home. We better have some more vaccines coming soon to slow this horrible virus down cause people sure aren’t staying in. Kathy

  3. Well tomorrow will tell another story. I just read that they boarded up our State Capitol and removed USPS mailboxes from certain areas around the capitol too.

    A cozy fire and flowers are exactly what is needed.
    Glad the shot when well too!


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