Monday, November 2, 2020

Post #7051 Brrrrrrrrr.....


We had a little whisper of snow last night, but it was gone by morning and
as we were in the 30s, the strong wind was brutal.  There was ice in the water trough.
I brought in the hanging begonia that was on the porch and cut it way back.  
Let's see if it makes a comeback.   Could not stand to throw out theses blossoms.

Gary stacked some hay in the feed room for me and then set up this sign.
Every year the Town Highway Department drops off a load.

Wouldn't you they showed up.

Believe me, it will take a huge number of wheel barrow loads to get rid of this pile.
The temperature is supposed to be in the mid 60s starting Wednesday and should
run through Sunday when it may it hit 70 so he will be very busy.
This afternoon, however, we had a brief snow shower.
Not the nicest day for the quartet.  I put hay nets in the indoor for them in addition to the usual.
I'm certainly not used to the time change yet.
We had a great dinner.

Can 't wait to get out by the fire.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. What a pile of leaves! Is that for the gardens?
    Not much going on here, cold..but warming up today.


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